in my kitchen · posts

In my Kitchen-May 2014

vanilla bean paste on a spoon and vanilla beanSomething a little different this week. This post is inspired by Celia’s blog, Fig Jam and Lime Cordial and she runs a monthly themeIn My Kitchen“, where bloggers showcase some of their kitchen treasures. If you are a blogger why not join in and let us have a peek at what’s in your kitchen.

In my kitchen you will always find vanilla and lots of little spoons. Filled with vanilla paste, this heart-shaped spoon with an infinity knot on the handle symbolizes how much we love the flavor of vanilla in our family. It’s easy to make your own vanilla bean paste, especially if you bulk buy vanilla beans. Continue reading “In my Kitchen-May 2014”

posts · style

Making an Ice Bowl with Bougainvilliea

ice bowl-2240-2Every time I step out into the garden I cannot help but admire the vibrant colours of Bougainvillea. For special occasions I love to make ice bowls and sometimes decorate them with the colourful papery leaves of Bougainvillea. Serving cold foods in decorated ice bowls adds a sophisticated touch to special occasions and will deliver a few oohs and ahhas from your guests. I was first inspired by the idea of making ice bowls after reading about a restaurant that made them for their dessert trolley, to serve ice cream from, loved the idea and have made ice bowls since.

Ice bowls are easy to make and no special molds are required (although handy if you come across them), all you need is a pair (or pairs) of nesting bowls. Sometimes I make one large ice bowl as a centerpiece for the table and other times I make individual ice bowls for serving, depending on the occasion. As Bougainvillea is non edible I place a smaller glass dish inside the ice bowl, so the food will not come in contact with the leaves… just to be on the safe side. Other times I place the food directly into the ice bowl when using edible decorations. Only limited by your imagination, ice bowls and can be decorated with flowers, herbs, fruits, sweets and whole spices. Wonderful for serving prawns, ice creams, sorbet, chilled soups and fruit.  Continue reading “Making an Ice Bowl with Bougainvilliea”


Greetings from Ireland

More glorious weather and we’re still talking about it. It has been a very long time since I walked bare foot on the sand and felt such heat on a beach in Ireland. Everyone is enjoying the weather and being able to eat outdoors amongst the colourful summer blooms has been such a treat and when shared with family makes it all more memorable. Fresh food from the markets, fresh country air, sunshine and family… what more could one ask for!
Moya 🙂


