cakes · posts · recipes

Scones with Lemon Zest and Rosella Jam

If you ever studied home economics at school and lived in Ireland, you will have made a basic scone recipe. Scones are quick to make with ingredients you’re likely to have in your kitchen. Nothing beats the taste and enjoyment of a freshly baked scone, generously spread with a layer of clotted cream or butter and your favorite jam. I specifically kept my small batch of home-made rosella jam for serving with these scones which were perfect together. And in keeping with the lemony cranberry taste of rosella jam, added the zest of a lemon to the scone mixture.

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posts · store cupboard

Rosella In My Garden

These vivid ripe rosella fruit were in my garden back in April, and while I’m not so familiar with fresh rosella, I am familiar with the dried version. Rosella, also known as hibiscus is commonly used in herbal teas, and in Bahrain, Karkade (made with dried rosella leaves) is a popular iced drink with the local community. As this was my first time using fresh rosella, I searched for recipes other than drinks and found that rosella jam was a popular recipe among Australians…so decided to make some. 

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