in my kitchen · posts

In My Kitchen June 2014

In My Kitchen June 2014-Chocolate Bark

The most gorgeous assortment of swiss chocolate bark from Läderach was in my kitchen, but now it’s most likely sitting on my hips. For a time I was in chocolate bliss and loved the milk chocolate florentine and the white chocolate with pistachio, caramelized almonds and candied fruit… in fact they were all divine. Thanks hubby, delicious choice.

Once again joining Celia from Fig Jam and Lime Cordial who runs a monthly theme “In My Kitchen, where bloggers showcase some of their kitchen favorites.

IMK_June-5387In my kitchen we use lots and lots of freshly ground black pepper and would not be without my pepper mills. Love this cute metal spice mill which I picked up from a spice bazaar in Istanbul. Have you ever tried a black pepper mill in a kitchen shop and bought it because you were so impressed how easily it ground peppercorns? Got home, filled your new pepper mill and then found, it just didn’t grind the black peppercorns (even when adjusted) like the one in the shop. Check out the size of your peppercorns, you many need to look for smaller black peppercorns, this usually solves the problem.

IMK_June-5362Brought some color into my kitchen with this purple tea caddy, filled with a blend of White Ayurvedic and Samurai Tea from Teavana, a specialist tea shop in Bahrain City Center. It’s such a feel good tea, with ingredients of cinnamon, clove, lemongrass, coconut and papaya , to name a few. And having grown up in Ireland… we love a nice cup of tea.

IMK_June-5365Used for brewing special teas, love my hand-made Japanese cast-iron tea-pot (also from Teavana), embossed with cherry blossoms. Possibly drawn to this particular flower as our family home in Ireland had a cherry blossom tree. In full bloom it was quite spectacular to see. The cherry blossom symbolizes beauty and eternal love and of course spring time.

mango-bee pollen-cardamom podsMango season means lots of mangos in our kitchen and with our hot temperatures, Mango Lassi is a very refreshing summer drink. Bee pollen is a new ingredient that I started using and add some to smoothies we make. If you have any culinary uses for bee pollen, do let me know? Cardamom is one of my favorite spices and always found in my kitchen.
IMK_June-5395Sitting on top of the kitchen dresser and keeping an eye on all kitchen activities is this chicken, unfortunately no organic eggs from this one. Kind of ugly in a cute sort of way.

IMK_June-5409Last week I got to make some fresh pasta at an Italian cooking class and as a result have taken out my neglected pasta attachments. Intend putting them to good use, probably will have a pasta making day and make some extra for the freezer.

Do you have any special treasures in your kitchen?

You might like to see:

In My Kitchen Post for the month of May 2014

35 thoughts on “In My Kitchen June 2014

  1. All these gorgeous pieces – art works, really. That pepper grater! I have a friend who has a similar one from Bosnia which I have lusted after for years. Thanks for the peek into your kitchen this month.


  2. Thank you for dropping by. There are amazing people out there who create beautiful things and happy to have some of these pieces in my kitchen. 🙂


  3. Gorgeous photos! I love that pepper pot, and I love how your everyday objects are treasures. It is important to have lovely things around us, isn’t it? I am wondering what you will show next month!


    1. Thank you Anne, I do love all my kitchen jewellery and yes it is nice to have lovely things surround us and especially when nice memories are attached. You do wonder what everyone will end up posting. 🙂


  4. Oh wow, I just love your pepper grinder from Istanbul – I want one (if I ever go there!) Love you little blossom tea pot too – so cute. May have to keep my eye out when we head to Japan next year – gorgeous! Thank you for sharing IMK you have some beautiful items. See you next month


    1. I am sure you will find some beautiful tea pots when you visit Japan… how exciting. A place I would love to visit. Look forward to your next IMK post and thank you for stopping by. 🙂


    1. Thank you Taryn I wished that chocolate bark could have lasted for ever, at least I have a photo for memory 🙂


  5. I’m madly coveting your pepper grinder. My utilitarian but efficient French grinder is a plain Jane in comparison. Your tea paraphenalia is gorgeous too!


    1. It is a beautiful little spice grinder but is important to have an efficient grinder, even if it’s a plain Jane. Thanks for stopping by 🙂


  6. Thanks for this wonderful look inside your kitchen! I make pasta all the time as I can’t eat the shop bought dried stuff anymore! I think out of all the attachments on my Kitchen Aid I just this the most as it give you hands free pasta making. I also let my pasta dry a bit on a drying rack and then put it into freezer bags so I don’t have to make it fresh every time I wasn’t pasta! It just goes straight from the freezer into the boiling water and taste like I freshly made it! Thanks again for sharing your kitchen this month. Liz


    1. Elizabeth you sound like you are a pro at making fresh pasta and I too shall freeze some pasta for later use. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂


  7. Hi Moya, Geez you have some nice things. I so like kitchen gadgets and ornaments. Your pepper mill is delightful, whether it works or not, and I love your chicken. As it turns out, I have used my pasta maker more to make crackers than to make pasta. Life is funny


    1. Thanks Glenda, the little spice grinder does work but would not be my choice for every day use. More for ornamental purposes. At least you did not neglect your pasta maker, great way to roll wafer thin crackers. 🙂


  8. Moya, you have some really beautiful things in your kitchen. The tea caddy is gorgeous as is the teapot and that chocolate looks divine! Thanks for this months peek into your kitchen!


    1. Your welcome Selma, my special tea needed a new accessory and I thought this colorful tea caddy was a perfect match 🙂


    1. Thank you Celia, definitely a chocolate that I would be more than happy to indulge in again. Looking forward to your next months In My Kitchen 🙂


  9. Love everything! The chocolate bark looks divine as does the cute teapot…really having a hard time choosing my favorite! Thanks for the tip with the peppercorns.


    1. Thanks JJ nice to know the chicken has some relations out there 🙂 🙂 Nice to hear from you again… SABH blog hop.


    1. It is a very pretty pot but also very functional. I also have a warmer which the pot sits on and keeps the tea hot for ages. Thank you for stopping by. 🙂


  10. Moya, your chocolate photo stopped me in my tracks… had to gaze for a minute or two… sigh! Thanks for the tip on the peppercorn sizes, too (cute grinder!) — I love freshly ground pepper, and so far my utilitarian grinder has done well, but it’s good to know. Lovely IMK post!


    1. Kim at least I captured some seriously delicious chocolate memories… shame we cant taste the photos. Thank you for stopping by 🙂


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