in my kitchen · posts

In My Kitchen July 2017

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In my kitchen this July…

Didn’t go as far as making my own butter, but for those special occasions, wooden butter moulds make butter look pretty fancy. Easy to use once oiled, rinsed under water, placed into the freezer for about twenty minutes before filling with softened butter. Then, back to the freezer until the butter has hardened. The butter releases from the mould after one or two taps and is left with the impression of the carved design. I also have a large butter mould mentioned in an earlier IMK post which is better for more servings. And a colorful butter knife adds a little flare too.

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In my kitchen…

Couldn’t resist the detail on these market finds, this gorgeous old-fashioned spoon for sifting sugar, a butter curler (more fancy butter shapes) and a cute little spoon which is used for serving sea salt or mustard.

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In my kitchen…

Mum gave me (knows how I love gadgets) this garlic press which she felt was heavy and cumbersome to use and thought I might make more use of it. It’s dual purpose and crushes and slices garlic in separate compartments. The few times I’ve used it, spent time fiddling around with positioning the clove of garlic so the press could push the garlic through the slicer… large garlic cloves didn’t fit as easily. Spent further time trying to free the sliced garlic from the blades which were also, not easy to clean afterwards. Much prefer using my standard garlic press and a sharp knife for slicing cloves of garlic. Although this kitchen utensil is sturdy, very stylish and a Jamie Oliver brand I would have been very disappointed if I had bought it.

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In my kitchen…

Once the honey mustard and peanut oil are finished, these containers are for keeps.

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In my kitchen…

From my travels, a stylish cheese guillotine…. now I can’t accuse anyone of hacking at the cheese.

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In my kitchen…

I’ve been using fruit and vegetable keepers for years and find them very handy, especially when entertaining and need to prepare ahead. Keeps the produce crisp and fresh until needed. Mostly use them for storing cut carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, celery, salad leaves, sprouts, herbs, some fruits and spiralized vegetables. I also have the larger version of the one above which gives me more storage space.

The “In My Kitchen” monthly theme host is Sherry, from If you would like to know what’s cooking or see some kitchen treasures, head over to Sherry’s blog and check out all the other IMK participants.






19 thoughts on “In My Kitchen July 2017

  1. Oh Moya, your butter mould and those little spoons, just wow! (I’m still in Budapest, so not sure if I’ll post an IMK this month). xx


    1. Liz I am sure you will have lots in your kitchen when you come back from your travels. Enjoy the rest of your holiday 🙂


    1. Hard to not come away with some little buy when you visit an antiques market. Definitely recommend the vegetable and fruit keeper Francesca 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I just love the pretty old spoon etc. they’re gorgeous. And the butter mould is a beauty. Such a great idea. The little mustard jar is very cute too. A cheese board is so useful. Ours broke! Thanks for joining in. Cheers.


    1. Thank you Glenda and hope all is good with you and Maus. Found the old utensils at Spatisfield market when in London. They have some pretty amazing stuff 🙂


    1. Hi Tandy, yes I was very disappointed with the garlic press. I am sure if you look online you will find some beautiful butter moulds… you might even want to start a collection 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Love the vintage utensils, you must have good vintage stores. I can never seem to find anything here. The wooden butter mould is also gorgeous, I may have to look into some of those.


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