in my kitchen · posts

In My Kitchen September 2022

Hello readers and subscribers if you are reading this, glad you are still with me. It seems this blog post is a sequel to the previous one which was posted months ago. Procrastination does that to you sometimes. Now September is here and finally our searing hot summer in Bahrain is starting to cool.

In My Kitchen

An “In My Kitchen” post is always a good place to share a few favorites with you. Every morning our household starts with coffee and the manual espresso machine is one kitchen essential. I enjoy the ritual of making fresh coffee and as a result, the chief barista in the house is me. Pretty coffee cups are essential too…these cups and saucers were from an Illy Coffee collection, each artfully designed saucer represents the colors of a human iris. 

Quick lunches are often on the menu and an open sandwich is a good choice, here some homemade brown bread is topped with shredded lettuce, avocado and tomato. I do love making brown bread and sometimes make two loaves, freezing the other for another day. I also love serving brown bread with these recipes, mackerel pate and cured beetroot salmon. Also, can never have enough pottery bowls, spoons and wooden serving boards…photography loves them too.

Trying out a few tipples in my kitchen and foodie friend Fifi inspired me to make this digestif, French 44. Here is the orange and coffee bean infused rum recipe which takes 44 days to infuse before enjoying. Sounds wonderful and looking forward to trying a sip in October and hopefully keeping some to enjoy over the festive season.

I’ve always enjoyed cocktails and my very old cocktail book needed an upgrade. Recently came across this beautiful cocktail book called, “Bourbon is my Comfort Food” by Heather Wibbels. Lots of inspiration and tips and needless to say, a few tests have already been consumed in my kitchen. The fresh watermelon mule was refreshing, especially when watermelon is in season. So cheers to trying out a few more.


My jelly moulds haven’t been out of the cupboard for ages so thought I’d show them some love. Made a Milk and Honey Jelly served with cream and honey for my ingredient challenge (which was gelatin) over on Instagram. Always a bit of pressure removing desserts from moulds! The dessert was light and not overly sweet and not as rich and creamy as a panna cotta, a favorite ours. My kids never liked jelly and preferred squishing it with their fingers instead. I do use the moulds for savory mousses on odd occasions, like salmon or avocado.

If you would like to know more about this community of “ In My Kitchen” bloggers who love sharing their kitchen treasures, please check out the link below.

The “In My Kitchen” monthly theme host is Sherry and her blog is at Sherryspickings  where you will also find a list of other IMK participants…which I’m happy to join once again.

21 thoughts on “In My Kitchen September 2022

  1. Your kitchen routine looks great! The bourbon book is intriguing — I take it that you are the author, as it has your copyright on the cover. Nice. The moulded cream looks nice too.

    best… mae at

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Mae, no I am not the author of this cocktail book Heater Wibbels is as mentioned. The photo is to just to showcase the book for this post. Have a great September 🙂


  2. thanks for joining in Moya. Nice to see you. wow those iris saucers are amazing! The infused digestif sounds really good. if only i drank these days … I agree about jelly; it’s a bit of a horror to me. I never liked it as a kid and yet every adult would give it to you! I don’t eat it nor do i eat anything with gelatine or pectin or that sort of texture. EEEK! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So no jelly for you Sherry…I think it’s a textural sort of thing and I’m the only jelly fan in the house. Thank you for hosting the monthly IMK 🙂


  3. Moya,
    I think your jelly mold came out amazing and reminds me of Panna Cotta. How wonderful that you bake your own bread and the topping is something that I would eat too. The Bourbon cookbook looks like a fun book to have.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Judee, thank you for stopping by. Yes looking forward to trying new cocktails, cheers to that. Baking bread has always been a favorite of mine 🙂


  4. Love that jelly mould! I haven’t ever made a jelly that didn’t start with jelly crystals. Maybe I should try!!


  5. Your coffee machine had my attention immediately. My husband is a big coffee fan and I love drinking it but he is the one who experiments with different coffees and bought a big commercial maker for our drinks.

    I like the molds and cups and saucers you have shared.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Tina for stopping by. We experiment with different coffees too. Sounds like you have a great coffee machine 🙂


    1. Illy have some lovley espresso cups so worth checking them out. If you ever try the gelatine recipe challange, let me know, not easy getting around to everything. Maybe I should run the ingredient challange from this blog as well.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh those moulds are so pretty! and I love your bread.. I’ve been making my own bread for so long (well, 5 years is not soooo long) that it’s a rare treat to try bought bread these days. I love a simple lunch like the one you posted

    Liked by 1 person

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