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Oat Porridge with Coconut Milk, Raspberries and Pistachios

PorridgeBreakfast is one of the most important meals of the day and sadly many of us opt for a large mug of coffee or tea, or nothing at all when rushing to work. I have noted my children (who work) do this on many occasions 😦  They are getting better and my nagging seems to be working… sometimes! Porridge is an easy breakfast dish to prepare and depending on which type of oats you use, this wholesome and nutritional dish can be made in minutes.

Large, medium and quick cooking oats are my preferred oats for making porridge and I keep steel-cut oats for my brown bread recipes.  According to Harold McGee, his paragraph (Food and Cooking page 471) on the processing of oats, he writes; “The whole groats are then processed into various shapes, all of which  have the same nutritional value”. Good to know. Continue reading “Oat Porridge with Coconut Milk, Raspberries and Pistachios”