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Energy Date Bites and Pollination of the Date Palm

Enegry Date BitesAlthough we enjoy dates as they are, there are times when I whizz some in a food processor along with other ingredients and make energy date bites. Great for snacking on and perfect for those in the household into sports and heavy training sessions that need fuel on the go. Keeping the ingredients on the healthier side, these naturally sweet date bites include chia seeds ,oatmeal, almond butter and pistachio nuts. These little morsels of goodness would also make great homemade gifts for athletes that you know. But for me… I will enjoy mine with an espresso or arabic coffee.

And on the subject of dates… here we have Bu Abdulla skillfully hand pollinating our date palms and preparing them for the season ahead. Also, love to capture moments that are not an everyday occurrence. Hand pollination ensures a better crop and quality of date. Roll on date season.

Date Palm_Spathe with flowersPulling the female flowers from the spathe on a date palm.

Pollen from the male date Palm flowersPlacing pollen collected from the male flowers into a cloth.

Date Palm Tree_Tying bunches of female flowersTying the  female flowers along with some flowers taken from the male palm tree, you can see the different shape of flower (male) on top right of photo.

Date Palm Pollination by handA dusting of pollen over the female flowers.
Hand Pollination_Date Palm

Bu Abdulla pollination a date palm.

Enegry Date Bites

Energy Date Bites

(makes 22 to 24)

225g soft pitted dates
50g pistachio nuts
2 teaspoon chia seeds
1 and 1/2 tablespoons rolled oats (not instant)
2 tablespoons almond butter
2 teaspoons of coconut oil
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

How to make:
Place all the ingredients into the food processor and pulse until all ingredients are finely chopped and combined. The mixture will look crumbly. Place the mixture into a bowl. Using your hands, take even bits size amounts, forming and rolling into balls. Place the balls on a tray and refrigerates until firm. Remove to a container and store in the refirgrateore for up to one week.


10 thoughts on “Energy Date Bites and Pollination of the Date Palm

  1. Wow, how interesting. I confess to knowing little about the way dates are cultivated other than they grow on a palm. I’m sure they are much much better than any fresh date that I have ever tasted. We chanced upon a date farm in the Aussie outback many years ago. They made the most incredible liqueur with some of their crop. It tasted like sticky date pudding with caramel sauce in a glass. I’ll be trying out your energy bites too Moya.


  2. I’ve been looking for a good energy bar recipe for some time so will give it a try. Where will I get almond butter in Bahrain?


    1. You can find almond butter in most of the bigger supermarkets, usually in the health section. I got mine in Alosra supermarket and the brand is Biona. Thanks for stopping by Janeann and hope you give the date bites a try 🙂


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